9 Men's Morris with Tagua nut playing pieces

Immediately dispatchable, sufficient quantity. Delivery time 2-4 working days
The Mill Game (9 Men's Morris)
Place – Move – Form a mill!
This game, played along the lines of three squares nested one inside the other, is a classic with a tradition that goes back a very long time. Even though ancient representations of the Mill Game (Nine Men's Morris) cannot be dated precisely, it has been played at least since the Middle Ages.
Your objective is to place or move your own playing pieces in such a way that you position three pieces in a line. Every time you complete such a "mill," you may remove one of your opponent's playing pieces from the board. When one player has only two pieces left, the game is over and that player loses.
The playing pieces are made of tagua nut, natural (light) and dark brown.
Warning: Not suitable for children under 36 months! Choking hazard!
for 2 players from 8 years
Game board made of solid beech, oiled, 25 x 25 cm
Playing pieces are made of tagua nut, natural/light and dark brown