Lass die Kirche im Dorf

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Lass die Kirche im Dorf
by Dieter Stein
Who will be the first to successfully build a village with a church?
Initially, the gameboard is empty – except for the clergyman figure standing on the center space. Of course, the clergyman needs a church, and this church has to be part of a village. This describes the object of the game.
The first player to build a village with connected houses and a church wins the game.
To begin with, players alternate placing their buildings on the board. After that, you move one of our buildings at a time, but only in the direction of its roof ridge. After each move, you have to rotate the respective building 90 degrees, thus changing the moving direction. Of course, your opponent might get in your way or even block you.
If you have gotten yourself into an unfavorable situation, the clergyman might help you. He is allowed to swap places with any playing piece.
Warning! Not suitable for children under 36 months. Choking hazard!
Game board 20 x 20 cm
Game pieces are buildings made of walnut and maple
1 game piece priest
For 2 persons from 10 years, duration 15 - 30 min.